Release Process

Change milestone

  • Create a new GitHub milestone for the next release
  • Change milestone applier so new changes can be applied to the appropriate release
    • Open a PR in to change this line
      • Example PR:

Prepare branch, tag and release notes

  • Update the file metadata.yaml if is a major or minor release
  • Submit a PR for the metadata.yaml update if needed, wait for it to be merged before continuing, and pull any changes prior to continuing.
  • Create tag with git
    • export RELEASE_TAG=v0.4.6 (the tag of the release to be cut)
    • git tag -s ${RELEASE_TAG} -m "${RELEASE_TAG}"
    • git push upstream ${RELEASE_TAG}
  • make release from repo, this will create the release artifacts in the out/ folder
  • Install the release-notes tool according to instructions
  • Run the release-notes tool with the appropriate commits. Commits range from the first commit after the previous release to the new release commit.
release-notes --org kubernetes-sigs --repo cluster-api-provider-gcp \ --start-sha 1cf1ec4a1effd9340fe7370ab45b173a4979dc8f \ --end-sha e843409f896981185ca31d6b4a4c939f27d975de --branch <RELEASE_BRANCH_OR_MAIN_BRANCH>
  • Manually format and categorize the release notes

Promote image to prod repo

Promote image

  • Images are built by the post push images job
  • Create a PR in to add the image and tag
    • Example PR:
  • Location of image:

To promote the image you should use a tool called cip-mm, please refer:

For example, we want to promote v0.3.1 release, we can run the following command:

$ cip-mm --base_dir=$GOPATH/src/ --filter_tag=v0.3.1

Release in GitHub

Create the GitHub release in the UI

  • Create a draft release in GitHub and associate it with the tag that was created
  • Copy paste the release notes
  • Upload artifacts from the out/ folder
  • Publish release
  • Announce the release


cluster-api-provider-gcp follows the semantic versioning specification.

Example versions:

  • Pre-release: v0.1.1-alpha.1
  • Minor release: v0.1.0
  • Patch release: v0.1.1
  • Major release: v1.0.0

Expected artifacts

  1. A release yaml file infrastructure-components.yaml containing the resources needed to deploy to Kubernetes
  2. A cluster-templates.yaml for each supported flavor
  3. A metadata.yaml which maps release series to cluster-api contract version
  4. Release notes


Patch Releases

  1. Announce the release in Kubernetes Slack on the #cluster-api-gcp channel.

Minor/Major Releases

  1. Follow the communications process for pre-releases
  2. An announcement email is sent to with the subject [ANNOUNCE] cluster-api-provider-gcp <version> has been released