Adding new E2E test
E2E tests verify a complete, real-world workflow ensuring that all parts of the system work together as expected. If you are introducing a new feature that interconnects with other parts of the software, you will likely be required to add a verification step for this functionality with a new E2E scenario (unless it is already covered by existing test suites).
Create a cluster template
The test suite will provision a cluster based on a pre-defined yaml template (stored in ./test/e2e/data
) which is then sourced in ./test/e2e/config/gcp-ci.yaml
. New cluster definitions for E2E tests have to be added and sourced before being available to use in the E2E workflow.
Add test case
When the template is available, you can reference it as a flavor in Go. For example, adding a new test for self-managed cluster provisioning would look like the following:
Context("Creating a control-plane cluster with an internal load balancer", func() {
It("Should create a cluster with 1 control-plane and 1 worker node with an internal load balancer", func() {
By("Creating a cluster with internal load balancer")
clusterctl.ApplyClusterTemplateAndWait(ctx, clusterctl.ApplyClusterTemplateAndWaitInput{
ClusterProxy: bootstrapClusterProxy,
ConfigCluster: clusterctl.ConfigClusterInput{
LogFolder: clusterctlLogFolder,
ClusterctlConfigPath: clusterctlConfigPath,
KubeconfigPath: bootstrapClusterProxy.GetKubeconfigPath(),
InfrastructureProvider: clusterctl.DefaultInfrastructureProvider,
Flavor: "ci-with-internal-lb",
Namespace: namespace.Name,
ClusterName: clusterName,
KubernetesVersion: e2eConfig.GetVariable(KubernetesVersion),
ControlPlaneMachineCount: ptr.To[int64](1),
WorkerMachineCount: ptr.To[int64](1),
WaitForClusterIntervals: e2eConfig.GetIntervals(specName, "wait-cluster"),
WaitForControlPlaneIntervals: e2eConfig.GetIntervals(specName, "wait-control-plane"),
WaitForMachineDeployments: e2eConfig.GetIntervals(specName, "wait-worker-nodes"),
}, result)
In this case, the flavor ci-with-internal-lb
is a reference to the template cluster-template-ci-with-internal-lb.yaml
which is available in ./test/e2e/data/infrastructure-gcp/cluster-template-ci-with-internal-lb.yaml